A surprise to end Trump in October - missing 4 days!
We need to join to prevent Trump, win the elections.
Dear friends North American,
There are only 4 DAYS for the closure of the main deadlines for voter registration of American citizens to participate in elections 2016 in the United States. Eight million potential voters living abroad: it is enough to prevent Trump is elected - the incredible tool that facilitates the process created!
Many shared the campaign on Facebook; but let's stop for a second, that very moment, and think if we know any American abroad or people who may know someone to forward this email.
Our campaign to register American voters to vote against Trump is working. Our online enrollment tool, already seen millions of times, was news in hundreds of media outlets! See coverage on Reuters, CNN, Washington Post and CBC. www.rubenndeanjr.blogspot.com ...
We danced in front of Trump Tower in Vancouver, Canada:
Attracting reporters important vehicles, North American members and American voters circulated in Parliament Square in London, while dozens of people registered to vote:
We sing with a mariachi band in Mexico City:
On election day, however, the numbers speak louder so we need to show this tool to all the largest possible number of people, right now. The key states like Florida (where Trump must win) contain the registration of new voters on Tuesday already.
The best thing we can do, and so impact is forward this email to all Americans living abroad or people who know someone in this situation. Here is the link, www.rubenndeanjr.blogspot.com again tool for all, go to the recording ok!
: We have only 4 days! Come on!!!
With hope,
Journalist / Reporter. Rubenn Dean Paul Alws "Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro" Brazil!
I am also a North American citizen ok!
"Journalist / Reporter. Rubenn Dean Paul Alws" Rio de Janeiro "Brazil!
www.rubenndeanjr.blogspot.com ... twitter @ rubenndeanpaulalw ... facebook. eddie murphy rubenn dean. email. rubenndeanrj@gmail.com ... cel. 21. 99337.4123 / 21. 98125.9534 / 21.98972.1658 ... what. 55 21 993374123. "
A surprise to end Trump in October - missing 4 days!
ResponderExcluirWe need to join to prevent Trump, win the elections.
Dear friends North American,